Global Peace and Social Justice

Typing on laptop computer
Group video conference for Practicum Placement

Student Intern and Placement Opportunities

The Global Peace and Social Justice program offers PEACJUST 3P03, a practicum course providing opportunities for an exploration of service, entrepreneurship and other modes of engagement with practical peace building and justice-seeking through workplace experience. It is a student-initiated, voluntary placement that takes place one day per week under supervised practice over the course of one term.


Practicum Information

What placements are available?

Placement availability differs term to term; it is based on the availability of positions within the organizations.


2023 Winter


Name or organization: Black Environmental Initiative

Website: www.beinitiative.com

Description: The Black Environmental Initiative (BE Initiative) is a B3 group dedicated to the environmental engagement and protection of Black and equity seeking communities.


BEI’s work relies on three main pillars: 1) Environmental Education 2) Green Jobs promotion 3) Community energy projects for equity seeking communities.


BE Initiative is also working on offering environmental quality monitoring services and climate preparedness services to communities.


Dr. Ingrid Waldron, Director, The Environmental Noxiousness, Racial Inequities and Community Health Project (The ENRICH Project)

Website: www.enrichproject.org

Description: The ENRICH Project was founded in 2012 to examine and address the social, ecological, health and political effects of environmental and climate injustices in racialized communities (BIPOC) across Canada.



Dr. Ingrid Waldron and Naolo Charles, Co-Directors, the Canadian Coalition for Environmental and Climate Justice (CCECJ)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/theccecj

Description: This organization has brought together organizations working in the areas of climate justice, environmental justice, and social justice to address environmental and climate injustices in BIPOC communities across Canada.



Can I initiate my own placement with an organization not included in the above list?

Certainly! Please email your placement request and the details of the placement (including organization name and host contact information) to gpsj@mcmaster.ca. Your request will be reviewed for approval. We will also consider credit for previous paid or unpaid work experience, subject to the discretion of the Director.


What steps do I need to take to enroll?

First, review our website to determine if there are any placements available in the term in which you are interested.


If you wish to be considered for a listed placement, or if you are initiating your own placement, please email a short resume or CV (and indicate in the subject line which position you are applying for) to: Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, McMaster University.


If you are approved for a placement, you will be given a set of forms that you will need to fill out with your placement supervisor. Once we receive the completed forms, a permission waiver will be granted to you so you can enroll in PEACJUST 3P03 for the selected term in Mosaic.

Enrolment Steps

If you wish to be considered for a listed placement below, or if you are contacting us about a pre-arranged placement, please email a short resume or CV (and indicate in the subject line which position you are applying for) to:  gpsj@mcmaster.ca.


Past Academic Year

See placements from the past year:


Fall Term:

  • Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War
  • Gandhi Peace Festival

Winter Term:


  • Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War
  • United Nations University-Institute for Water, Environment and Health